Online expert-talks on stimulant use disorder
The Finnish Society of Addiction Medicine warmly welcomes professionals from all over the world to join us in an exciting live seminar streamed free of charge from Helsinki, Finland on Friday, March 1st starting 12.45 p.m. EET (UTC/GMT +2).
The topic of the seminar is stimulant use disorder. The seminar is a part of the Finnish Society of Addiction Medicine’s annual 2-day conference which this year will include this international event.
Joining us are top-of-the-line experts in the field. We hope to see you join!
Warmly on behalf of the organizers,
Jonna Levola, President of the Finnish Society of Addiction Medicine
12:45 Preface
Dr. Jonna Levola, Finland
13:00 ADHD in patients with comorbid stimulant dependence
Prof. Cleo Crunelle, University Hospital Brussels, Belgium
13:45 Coffee break
14:15 Stimulant substitution therapy
Dr. Vitor Tardelli, MD, MS, PhD, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
15:00 Stimulant-induced psychosis
Associate Professor Solja Niemelä, University of Turku, Finland
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